Thursday, October 31, 2019

Factors affecting the salary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Factors affecting the salary - Essay Example Executives receive a variable compensation that is known as executive bonus that is based on attainment of organisational goals and objectives. Managers also get long-term incentives that are based on the firms’ goals and objectives. Executive perquisites and benefits are different than those that are offered to subordinates. This means that they receive higher levels of pension plans, fringe benefits, life insurance and health insurance. The website states that the pay rates for executive compensation in the US are higher as compared to the situation in other countries. The situation is similar in other nations including Asia and Europe. It is also clear that managers have the option to increase their levels of compensation. This has attracted numerous ethical concerns over the years. The book starts by stating that the issue of executive remuneration has attracted increasing attention over the years especially following the 2008/2009 banking crisis. This leads to the important question on the factors influencing executive remuneration. The recent discussion has shifted from how much the executives make in a month to how much they can make from their firms. The book notes that executive remuneration has spawn out of control in the recent past. In fact, it has become clear that the bonuses available to executive are approximately seventy percent of their basic salary. The High Pay Commission found verification that high pay for executives has negative impacts for society and the economy at large. The same commission found that while executives’ salaries increased dramatically over the years, the share prices have been observed to have declined significantly. Generally speaking, the main factors influencing executive remuneration include the decisions by remuneration committees, inherent values of executives, competitive forces in the market. There are two main theories that can further explain this

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

History (access to humanities and social science) Essay - 1

History (access to humanities and social science) - Essay Example (Davis & Moore, 1945: quoted in Zaidi, 1999) The most important factor of social stratification includes the division of society in three main classes i.e. upper, middle and lower. Lower or labor class makes the largest stratum of almost all societies that contains limited income resources and wealth. An overwhelming majority of the individuals belonging to this class has to survive and fulfill their needs and requirements in these scarce resources. Since the poor stratum or lower class is not able to keep the wolf from the door even by working hard from dawn to dusk, almost all members of this class engage themselves in financial activities in order to meet with their growing expenditures. Consequently, the children are also expected regarding lending a helping hand to their parents and senior family members by earning something in one way or the other. Hence, child labor has been in vogue for centuries, and children of lower stratum had been deprived of proper nutrition, adequate l earning facilities basic education and other fundamental rights since ever. The working classes had been undergoing extremely miserable and pathetic situation in all parts of the planet. Their situation was worse in European countries during 18th and 19th centuries, where the exploitation of the innocent children was order of the day. They worked at the houses, farms and agricultural lands of the rich clergy and nobility from dawn to dusk, and did not get any money in return. Industrial revolution of 1750 increased the miseries of the working classes and their children were forced to work in mills and factories with no or nominal remunerations and wages. Since there had been taken place no legislation to protect the rights of women and children at the eve of industrial revolution, there was no statute of law to bar the recruitment of children in industries. It was the time when industry was in its budding and the owners of mills, factories and industrial units required

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance of aligning human resource processes with business strategy

Importance of aligning human resource processes with business strategy Strategic alignment these terms are some of the phrases which are being used to explain the latest, evolving function of human resources process. The aligning human resource processes with business strategy about the growth of the business, increasing the performance of the employees and keeping the costs under a control. Which means the employee satisfaction and benefits provide to the population as they are not the strategic goals, but they are tools to reach the goals important for the whole organization. The importance of the alignment of the HR process with the business strategy is about going deeper and finding the real root components of the successful human capital management in the organization. The HR Managers have to identify the real goals of the business, the business way how to reach the goals and the real needs of the business from Human Resources. Dainty (2000) the HR tends to take care of employees, but it is not what the business asks for usually. The HR process ali gnment with the business strategy needs many discussions inside Human Resources about the real goals of the organization and how the organization will utilize its human capital to reach the goals. It is not about the employee satisfaction, it is a side effect. They have to understand, how the business wants to reach the goals and then the HR process can be developed and fully aligned with the business strategy. The aligned HR process misses the nice words about the retention, the employee satisfaction and other nice HR initiatives. These are the tools; the real business goals are different. These few points which are important in jumpstarting the organisations revenue and profit growth if well utilized: Develop a workforce that can perform higher-grade assignments. Increase efficiency, effectiveness and standards of performance by the employee Keep the employees informed Provide the usual training of new recruited workforce Business strategy remains important in ensuring that a business performs well. It is important that human resources process is carried out in a proper manner the human resource has a function of delivering strategy insights in the organisation so as to enable the organisation to be more effective in sourcing, evaluating and motivating employees in this increasingly unstable business environment. J. D Wheelen (2003) the human resource has to continue providing administrative services which are dependable, responsive and cost effective to the needs of the organization. Starbucks and Humana companies have been able to be successful because of their good human resources management practices. It is clear that, for any company to be able to achieve, its market goals, it has to have correct human resources management. However, aligning the human resources does not guarantee 100% success towards achieving the market objective of a company. 2.  Discuss how the firm used benchmarking to determine the performance standards for leadership, client-facing and specialty/support functions? Leaders in different organisations and contexts do not look the same, but they share many characteristics. The challenge for  businesses is to understand both what they have  and what they  need in order to  secure  their future. Druker, J (1995), the Support Function will be an integral part of this practice which helps service-based businesses achieves significant, rapid, and sustainable improvements in customer satisfaction, cost, and revenue performance. These strategies bring our clients competitive advantage and significant, measurable, bottom-line impact. Benchmarking leadership and clients facing talent must take account  of  the values and strategic intent of the organisation. Leadership and client facing assessment can be applied at all levels in the organisation, from the identification of high potential leaders to an intervention with a senior team to examine their effectiveness and help them to raise their performance. The benchmarking for leadership, clien t facing, specialty/support functions may be driven by: Mergers and acquisitions Changes of ownership Changes to adapt to new technologies or markets Building leadership bench strength and a leadership pipeline Appointments to senior leadership positions Building high performance teams Self-confidence is more trustworthy than the statistical data. Develop approaches and methods for optimizing business support functions in strategic and administrative area Prepare project proposals and client discussions, assist with project planning, organize client workshops/meetings/conferences Participate in internal knowledge building/management Strategic and creative thinkers who are exceptionally adept with quantitative analysis and business case work Passionate about and committed to operations and technical excellence Proven leaders with the ability to inspire others, build strong relationships, and create a true followership Results-driven achievers who are able to grasp and communicate complex ideas clearly Collaborative team players, capable of working well with others but also autonomously with little direction Demonstrated broad business perspective 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Identify and explain three objectives of the talent management system including one from each category of operations, customer, and financial objectives? Objective of talent management system is to optimizing the performance of each employee and the organization. However within many companies the concept of human capital management has just begun to develop. In fact only few of the organizations have a clear talent management strategy and operational programs in place today. It is very important to develop a clear talent management strategy and to increase awareness of available talent and successors, all organizations should conduct regular talent review meetings to be prepared for a variety of business changes, such as mergers, company growth, or a decrease in talent needs. In the same way that all companies have regular meetings and reports regarding their financial status and budgetary needs, the talent review meeting is designed to review the current talent status and future successor needs in the organization. Grant R.M. (2005) the talent review meeting is an important part of the overall talent management process; it is designe d to review the performance and career potential of employees, to discuss possible vacancy risks of current employees, to identify successors and top talent in the organization, and to create development action plans to prepare employees for future roles in the organization. This is what talent management is all about gathering information about talent, analyzing their career interests and organizational business needs, identifying top talent and successes, and developing these individuals to reduce the risk of losing the best people and experiencing extensive leadership gaps when turnover occurs. Main objective of Talent Management System will assist organization in developing, managing, rewarding and optimizing organizational talent to increase workforce productivity and maximize operating performance. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Discuss how the company would measure each objective. Company would measure any objective through Balanced Scorecard. This is a management system that maps an organizations strategic objectives into performance metrics in four perspectives: financial, internal processes, customers, and learning and growth. These perspectives provide relevant feedback as to how well the strategic plan is executing so that adjustments can be made as necessary. The term scorecard signifies quantified performance measures and balanced signifies that the system is balanced between: short-term objectives and long-term objectives financial measures and non-financial measures lagging indicators and leading indicators internal performance and external performance perspectives The financial perspective addresses the question of how shareholders view the firm and which financial goals are desired from the shareholders perspective. The specific goals depend on the companys stage in the business life cycle. Hunger (2003) the customer perspective addresses the question of how the firm is viewed by its customers and how well the firm is serving its targeted customers in order to meet the financial objectives. Generally, customers view the firm in terms of time, quality, performance, and cost. Most customer objectives fall into one of those four categories. Operation objectives address the question of which processes are most critical for satisfying customers and shareholders. These are the processes in which the firm must concentrate its efforts to excel. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Discuss how the changes made to Porter Novellis talent management system impact organizational performance. Carter, L. Goldsmith, M. (2010) changes made to Porter Novellis talent management system impact organizational performance to meet the needs of todays organizations, this handbook is filled with practical advice on how to implement employee and customer-centered programs that emphasize consensus building; self, group, organizational, and one-on-one awareness and effective communication; clear connections to overall business objectives; and quantifiable business results. With lessons from companies that are widely recognized as among the best in organization change and leadership development, for succeeding during challenging times. As best practice organizational champions, these companies share many similar attributes including openness to learning and collaboration, humility, innovation and creativity, integrity, a high regard for peoples needs and perspectives, and a passion for change. And all these outstanding organizations have invested in human capital the most important asse t inside of organizations today. Porter Novellis talent management system offers lessons from the worlds best organizations in various industries and sizes, and shows how to identify the key elements of leading successful, results-driven talent management; access the tools, models, instruments, and strategies for leading talent management; apply practical how-to approaches to diagnosing, assessing, designing, implementing, coaching, following-up on, and evaluating talent management; and measure critical success factors and critical failure factors of a program. No matter what the size or mission of the organization for diagnosing, assessing, designing, implementing, coaching, and evaluating a winning team of talent.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Robert A. Millikan :: biographies biography bio

Robert Andrews Millikan was born on the 22nd of March, 1868, in Morrison, Ill. (U.S.A.), as the second son of the Reverend Silas Franklin Millikan and Mary Jane Andrews. He led a rural existence in childhood, attending the Maquoketa High School (Iowa). After working for a short time as a court reporter, he entered Oberlin College (Ohio) in 1886. During his undergraduate course his favourite subjects were Greek and mathematics; but after his graduation in 1891 he took, for two years, a teaching post in elementary physics. It was during this period that he developed his interest in the subject in which he was later to excel. In 1893, after obtaining his mastership in physics, he was appointed Fellow in Physics at Columbia University. He afterwards received his Ph.D. (1895) for research on the polarization of light emitted by incandescent surfaces - using for this purpose molten gold and silver at the U.S. Mint. On the instigation of his professors, Millikan spent a year (1895-1896) in Germany, at the Universities of Berlin and GÃ ¶ttingen. He returned at the invitation of A. A. Michelson, to become assistant at the newly established Ryerson Laboratory at the University of Chicago (1896). Millikan was an eminent teacher, and passing through the customary grades he became professor at that university in 1910, a post which he retained till 1921. During his early years at Chicago he spent much time preparing textbooks and simplifying the teaching of physics. He was author or co-author of the following books: A College Course in Physics, with S.W. Stratton (1898); Mechanics, Molecular Physics, and Heat (1902); The Theory of Optics,with C.R. Mann translated from the German (1903); A First Course in Physics, with H.G. Gale (1906); A Laboratory Course in Physics for Secondary Schools,with H.G. Gale (1907); Electricity, Sound, and Light,with J. Mills (1908); Practical Physics - revision of A First Course(1920); The Electron(1917; rev. eds. 1924, 1935). As a scientist, Millikan made numerous momentous discoveries, chiefly in the fields of electricity, optics, and molecular physics. His earliest major success was the accurate determination of the charge carried by an electron, using the elegant "falling-drop method"; he also proved that this quantity was a constant for all electrons (1910), thus demonstrating the atomic structure of electricity. Next, he verified experimentally Einstein's all-important photoelectric equation, and made the first direct photoelectric determination of Planck's constant h (1912-1915). In addition his studies of the Brownian movements in gases put an end to all opposition to the atomic and kinetic theories of matter.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Should We Have Gone to War in Iraq Persausive Essay

Operation Iraqi Freedom How many people do you know that have fought in the United States most recent war? This war was called Operation Iraqi Freedom. Many people have family members that fought in this war, or maybe a neighbor. The Iraq war was started shortly after 9/11 when the United States felt that Iraq leader Saddam Hussein had weapons of Mass Destruction. (WMD’s) With the rumor that Iraq had WMD’s President Bush felt the US military had to go on the offense to assure the safety of the country. With that in mind I agree with going to war in Iraq. Also, Saddam Hussein was also rumored to be supporting and housing terrorists and members of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Finally, Saddam Hussein committed many acts of violence against the Iraqi people that he reigned over with an iron fist. Although many people don’t feel that we should have gone to war in Iraq because some Iraqi people didn’t want the troops there, and because many troops were killed, I feel that war in Iraq was the right thing to do so that people throughout the world and the United States could be kept safe. First, Saddam Hussein was thought to be aiding various terrorist groups that don’t like the United States very much. Many people in President Bush’s cabinet and administration felt that Saddam Hussein was aiding the terrible terrorist group Al-Qaeda, which was the terrorist group responsible for the thousands of deaths in the US on 9/11. With no financial evidence of aiding Al-Qaeda, there is evidence of Saddam helping other terrorist groups. It has been reported that Hussein would give money to the families of Palestinians killed in conflict. He was known to give up to $25,000 to the families of suicide bomber, which many of these bombers were working for militants groups like Hamas. The United States could not let someone who was supporting terrorism stay in power. Second, the United States had to go to war with Iraq, to get Saddam Hussein out of power after the many violent acts he committed over his reign in Iraq. One of these terrible acts of violence was after an assassination attempt on Hussein’s life. While riding through the city of Dujail, an attempt on Hussein’s life was made by Shiite militants. Saddam Hussein decided that he need to wipe out the entire city of Dujail, which had 148 residents, including dozens upon dozens of children. These were the crimes that Saddam Hussein brought up on and eventually executed for. Hussein’s worst acts came in the years 1986-1989. In these years his administration called for an extermination of any living thing in the northern Kurdish region. In this time Hussein killed 182,000 Kurds using chemical weapons to kill many of them. As you can see the United States could no longer have this man ruling an entire country. Finally, rumored WMD’s were the biggest reason the United States decided to go to war. After many years of the UN searching for these weapons Iraq decided not to let inspectors into the country anymore. The Bush administration took these signals as Iraq and Hussein not wanting the UN to find the weapons of mass destruction. Before the invasion, and before inspectors were banned from Iraq, rocket warheads, 50 liters of mustard gas, and 50 missiles were decommissioned. These things gave Bush administration a strong feeling that Saddam Hussein was hiding WMD’s from the rest of the world. Although no WMD’s were found during the war, I still feel that going into Iraq was the right decision. There was no way we could let there be rumors about Saddam Hussein having WMD with what he has done to people with them in the past. Saddam Hussein was a terrible dictator that killed many people with chemical weapons. When he was rumored again to have weapons, the Bush administration decided it was time to act against Hussein. They had to make sure the evil dictator didn’t have any WMD’s. In doing this the Bush administration and the brave soldier of the US military protected the lives of many people in the Middle East and maybe the lives of many here in the United States. â€Å"The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein. † Civil Liberties at About. com – Your Guide to Civil Liberties News and Issues. Web. 31 Dec. 2011. http://civilliberty. about. com/od/internationalhumanrights/p/saddam_hussein. htm â€Å"Rationale for the Iraq War. † Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 31 Dec. 2011. .http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rationale_for_the_Iraq_War#Human_rights

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Masters Research Paper

I would like to complete higher education in the field of law. I find law very interesting. I have completed the degree of bachelor of laws from Mumbai University and I am looking forward to complete higher education in law. I find the topics like criminology, law of crimes, property laws, insurance laws and law of evidence interesting, so I would like to do master of laws in any of the above mentioned topics. The topics I law are interesting and whatever topic a student selects he must have interest and knowledge about the topic which he has studied earlier, since I find this field interesting, I would like to complete masters in law and then start practicing. I want to help those people who need good service from a lawyer who are in genuine need. To become a good lawyer I believe that higher education is necessary and education in Canada will help me to achieve my plans. I hope to get an admission at a university where I can combine sports with studies. I wish to take part in any one sport of my choice because I believe that sports are necessary for overall development of a student. I would like to work part-time after the classes so that I can make proper use of the time. I wish to learn martial arts so that I can prepare myself for self defense. The education offered in Canada is advanced; it will help me to get good knowledge about the subject which I will be taught. I want work hard in both, studies and sports. I am willing to do social service after the studies. It will help me to get additional knowledge and meet new people. By doing social service I will get a chance to help the needy. Good communication skills are necessary for the studies in law. I believe I can make use of these skills when I will be studying law and when I am helping my clients. I sports I would like to learn martial arts because it helps the sportsman to develop mentally and physically. I hope to make use of cricket skills in martial arts. I believe sports will help me to relax and make use of my leisure time. I come from a family which has good educational background. My both the parents are doctors. In school I was active in sports and participated in the game of cricket. The field of law is interesting and it is always an advantage to have an in-depth knowledge laws to help my clients in a better way. I believe that studies and sports can go together which help in the development of student. After completing studies I want to be successful in my work. I hope to get good university so that it will help me to fulfill my aim. A master’s degree in law will help me to make progress in this field. I will be able to work in a better way and make progress as I get experience when I learn some interesting subjects. I would like to add more knowledge to my studies by getting this degree.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Spain Essays - Names Of God In Hinduism, Conceptions Of God

Spain Essays - Names Of God In Hinduism, Conceptions Of God Spain 9/11/15 Gods in Hinduism Hinduism is a religion which does recognize a single supreme deity but is tolerant of all other religions and gods or goddesses as forms or manifestations of this one single deity or Supreme Being. Their philosophy is that, although they believe there is but one truth, there are different "Sages" or spiritual leaders who call the truth by different names. In the Hindu faith, there is a trinity as in the Christian faith, where God is in three persons: Brahma is the creator of all reality, Vishnu or Krishna is the preserver of all of the creations, and Shiva is the destroyer. There are some major divisions in the Hindu faith. Many see Brahman as the ultimate deity. Others see Vishnu or Krishna as the Supreme Being and another sect see Shiva as their ultimate reality. However, to say that Hinduism is a polytheistic religion with an unknown and unnamed number of Gods would be incorrect. Many Hindus view the religion as a monotheistic religion with only one Supreme Being who is formless and impersonal. All other gods and goddesses are simply facets of this one God. This Supreme Being is viewed as the god of all other religions and equal to all existence or the ultimate reality. It has been said that Hinduism is a religion of 330 million Hinduism gods. Sri Ramakrishna, a prominent Hindu saint once wrote, "There can be as many Hindu Gods as there are devotees to suit the moods, feelings, emotions and social backgrounds of the devotees." So in some ways Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. There is an exceedingly wide variety of gods to choose from to worship with statues and symbols to pay homage before. If one wants to pray for acquiring knowledge and understanding, he would pray to the god, Sarasati, for example. One might pray to the god, Moksha, to obtain God's grace. Many Hindus worship their own village god or goddess.

Monday, October 21, 2019

MARINE BIOLOGISTS Essays - Fisheries, Marine Biology, Fish

MARINE BIOLOGISTS Essays - Fisheries, Marine Biology, Fish MARINE BIOLOGISTS Perhaps one of the most important administrations in the world is the Nation Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more commonly referred to as the NOAA. It was established in 1970. There are 400 officers in the program and over 12,000 employees. This organization helps the career of Marine Biology and promotes its well being. Welcome to the wonderful world of Marine Biology. Marine Biology starts when there is pollution in the water and then they take samples of the water and sea weed, algae, microscopic organisms, fish, and large sea mammals. Then they examine them and try to analyze the cause of the pollution to the fullest extent and try to come up with a verdict on what the pollution is resulting from. Marine Biologists also warn us of dangerous weather such as hurricanes, floods and cyclones. Marine biology is also when the Biologists watch the animals reproduce and see if they can get other animals to reproduce and see what they can do with what happens. A Marine Biologist can make around $60,000 as an annual salary. In a typical day, they usually take their studies to the lab and do research on it. The involvement of science comes from the study of seaweed and its habitats and the fish, what they eat, where they go, and how they reproduce. They also look at the sea mammals and where they move, they also see how whales and other mammals reproduce. To be a Marine Biologist, you need a B.A. and a M.S. or you need 4 years of college, and you need to have experience or live by a large body of water. I would like to do it because I like the water. I am also good with animals, and I like marine animals such as whales and adore tropical fish. I would also enjoy working in labs with fish, seaweed, and sea mammals. I think it would be fun to have a whale and watch it reproduce, or to have an eel and a sting ray and watch them reproduce. I would also take two sorts of sea weed and try to make a different sort of sea weed. To be a Marine Biologist, you need to be smart and have to have some experience with the ocean or a body of water. It also takes a while to go through 4 years of college. Also you have to go through all the special courses required to be a Marine Biologist. The good thing is you get to go scuba diving and explore the oceans bottom, and you get to see all of the beautiful marine wildlife and fish. That is my report on what a Marine Biologist is. What they do in a typical day, what their salary is, what degree they need to be a Marine Biologist, how it is involved in science and why I would like to do it and why others would like to, too.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analysis Of Human Cultural Identity

The aim of this paper is to include analysis of human cultural identity, see the following five historical and cultural periods: enlightenment; Greek and Roman culture; Jewish - Christian culture; Renaissance - Reform culture ; And industrialization - modernist culture. It also illustrates the relationship between clear examples of each era and the cultural era. The cultural identity of enlightenment can be described as the possibility to emphasize human reasons. This idea can be explained by examples like Thomas Jefferson, Dennis Diderot, Protestant. The interaction between culture and biology provides the basis for understanding cultural identity. A way to give meaning as a unit of psychological biology for integration and analysis to each person 's physiological state. Human basic physiological needs - food, gender, avoidance of pain etc - are part of a realistic model of cultural identity. Other parts include things that touch social order. With this level of psychosocial integra tion, universal needs are guided and organized by culture. Emotion, acceptance, recognition, attribution, identity, affiliation and necessity of interaction with others are active and can be identified through culture. For example, in response to the comparative state, it clearly shows that cultural integration and psychosocial integration intersect. The aim of this paper is to include analysis of human cultural identity, see the following five historical and cultural periods: enlightenment; Greek and Roman culture; Jewish - Christian culture; Renaissance - Reform culture ; And industrialization - modernist culture. It also illustrates the relationship between clear examples of each era and the cultural era. The cultural identity of enlightenment can be described as the possibility to emphasize human reasons. - Separating people's culture from the world and everything it provides. Some people think that this is because they do not like the direction of the world. Others believe that society will not accept the people they want to become. However, in some cases, the reason is as simple as religion. Amish is a perfect example of traditional culture and has more than 300 years history in the United States.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Stereotypes, Cyborg & Moral Panics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Stereotypes, Cyborg & Moral Panics - Essay Example Categorically, it is a first-person shooter video game released in different formats such as XBox, Wii and PC. Its theme is quite similar to another war simulation game known as Medal of Honor. However, Medal of Honor ( MOH) is played only from the perspective of an American soldier. The first Call of Duty gives the player two other perspectives: Soviet and British since the computer provides allies from these countries. In short, the game simulates the real allied forces during World War 2. According to Metacritic ( 2003), Call of Duty had a rating of 91 which is quite a feat since the 44 critic reviews were ravishing. Metacritic is website that publishes game reviews so that the gaming public would not waste their money and time on badly scripted games. Critic reviewers of video games are often harsh since the industry is filled with frustrating games. Luckily, aside from getting superb reviews from game sites, Call of Duty garnered awards such as â€Å"Game of the Year Award 2004 ( from the Academy of Interactive Sciences) as well as Computer Game of the Year . Because of its popularity, various spin-off of the game such as Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3 and the recent Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare has evolved. The most modern version, Call of Duty 4 : World at War 2 was released for different consoles such as Xbox360, PlayStation 3 and Wii; moreover, it also had a PC version for Windows and Mac OS X. However the most controversial version was that of Call of Duty : Modern Warfare ( CODMW) which was released last April 2007. According to, COD MW sold 7 million copies, however , that was as far as January 2008. News report of USA Today ( 2009 ) claims that the game has sold 11 million copies. Aside from gaining sales and top video ratings, the game also earned a lot of controversy. For one, the game gives the player an option to play good guy by defending the capital. Conversely, the player can

Friday, October 18, 2019

Mathematics concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mathematics concepts - Essay Example Integration,  in calculus, method of determining a function g(x) and its darivative, Dg(x), is same as a known function f(x). It is denoted by the symbol of integralâ€Å"∠«,† such as ∠«f(x), generally known as the indefinite integral of the known function. (At the end of the function sign dx is commonly included, that simply describes x as the variable.) The standard form for writing a definite integral is as the following: Integration by Substitution is one of the most uncomplicated techniques of integration which is used for making the integration uncomplicated. Integration by substitution or u-substitution in its simplest form is utilized each time when an integral includes a function and also contains derivative of that function, such as, for an integral of the structure These new limits u1 and u2 can be termed as placeholder for integration. This time when we reverse the substitution replacement ‘sinx’ for ‘u’ and also reversing the representation to limits as well to ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively. Now our equation will

Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 23

Project management - Essay Example Project planning and budgeting helps project managers to take pro-active measures to avoid some of the risks that emerge from the external and internal environment that surrounds the contractors (Kerzner, 2013). Project planning is an iterative process. Tasks undertaken are interdependent of each other; hence, failure of a subsystem affects the whole systems. Project planning rescues the project team from unforeseen circumstances due the high uncertainty that is with a majority of projects. The first stage of the project plan is identifying the goals of the project. In the stage, beneficiaries of the project are identified and the stakeholders. Their needs are so that the project is designed to meet them. A schedule is then developed to establish the amount of time and resources that will be. A budget of the resources necessary is prepared to determine the cost of executing the project. Additionally, a Human Resource plan is also developed to determine the skills that will be needed to accomplish the mission. Furthermore, a communication plan is outlined indicating how progress of work will be. Lastly, a risk management plan is created to provide measures that can be taken to shield activit y from interference (Turner, 2014). Mode Sante, a company, based in France launched an ambitious plan of constructing ultra modern leisure complexes. The company outsourced for contractor through a competitive bidding process who were supposed to build one of the facilities in Uxbridge. With a capital as a constraint, the new Active Being Complex had to be built according to the specifications provided with the minimum cost possible. A capital amount of  £300,000 had to be allocated prudently towards installation of a new IT infrastructure, security system, music and public address systems and other amenities that were to be in the new building. Interestingly, an old building that had been left

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What makes people like to stay on their jobs Essay

What makes people like to stay on their jobs - Essay Example Based on developed level of satisfaction and happiness, employees determine whether to continue working for an organization or not. The factors also determine the employees’ productivity level, should they choose to remain in an organization. It is therefore important to investigate conditions that determine employees’ happiness and satisfaction to stay in jobs and reasons why employees may not like their jobs. Non-monetary factors Non-monetary factors are essential determinants of employees’ utility in a workplace. As a result, they are able to make an employee happy or not. An employee will for instance be happy if considered non-monetary factors meet his or her expectations. A match between job descriptions and an employee’s traits or abilities is one of the non-monetary factors that determine a person’s happiness in a job. This is because of the different expertise that each type of job requires and the involved strain in performing a job, shoul d an employee lack the required skills or traits. Matching employees with jobs that require their skills, level of experience and traits therefore eliminates strain in work, improves utility, and induce happiness. Employees in such working conditions like their jobs and would prefer to remain in the jobs and work effectively towards productivity. Mismatching employees’ ability with job requirements however identifies strains and incompetence in work that may discourage employees and lead to job dislike (Gaurav 9). Appreciating and recognizing employees are other non-monetary factors that influence employees’ happiness (Gaurav 9). This is because of the associated self worth that leads to self-confidence and internal motivation among employees. Examples of appreciation include congratulating an employee for an achievement such as meeting set objectives or doing an outstanding work. Recognition is, however, achieved by identifying an employee’s performance or char acteristics before peers. An appreciated or recognized employee therefore develops a self worth into satisfaction and happiness while lack of appreciation and recognition demoralizes employees who may consequently develop negative attitude towards their jobs. Presence of stress in a work environment is another non-monetary factor that determines employees’ happiness and developed attitudes towards a job. Stress primarily reduces people’s level of happiness and utility. Stressed employees will therefore be unhappy and would not like their jobs while employees who work in a stress free environment are likely to be happy and like their jobs (Gaurav 9). Monetary factors Monetary factors define direct financial advancements to employees. Remunerations, rewards, and appraisal-based advancements are examples. Even though not regarded as principal determinant to employees’ satisfaction in a job, money is instrumental. Employees will for example be comfortable when their basic remunerations match their competence and their level of input to an organization. A relatively low remuneration level would therefore not satisfy an employee and would lead to unhappiness. An underpaid employee will also most likely not appreciate the job and would be ready to leave for an opportunity that can match competence with pay. An organization’s reward system is another monetary factor to employees’ satisfaction and happiness that is directly associated with non-monetary aspects of appreciation and recognition. A performance-based reward for example indicates an organization’s appreciation of an employees’ performance and initiates the employees’ satisfaction in the work. Rewarded employees will therefore be happy and satisfied in their work. Similarly, those who have

Using the theory of conflict transformation prepare a brief for the Essay

Using the theory of conflict transformation prepare a brief for the Israeli government detailing why the creation of a bi-national state is their best response to strikes in early September - Essay Example ive results, include the initiatives like Clinton parameters of 2000, the Taba talks of 2001, the road map of 2002-3, the Nusseibeh-Ayalon Plan, and the Geneva Accords of 2003. Failures of such initiatives have made it clear that in the absence of any fruitful dispute resolution formula, fighting and bloodshed would worsen the situation further. The international community as well as the UN resolutions has not been successful in resolving the dispute in accordance with international law. The idea of two nation theory, circulated in different forms for the last five decades, has been advocated by scholars and intellectuals alike from both sides. The Israeli government, on its part, has been making it clear through its recent policies and strategies that it is in no mood to resolve the impasse through the two-nation theory – the theory of conflict transformation (Hadi, Passia Publications). 1 The creation of a bi-national state is not only in the best interest of Palestinians but also for the people and government of Israel, embarking on an era of peaceful co-existence, bringing an end to the type of missile attacks on the towns and cities of Israel. There is need to look at the dispute from different angles – historical, conceptual, and religious sides as well, involving the refugee question, Jerusalem, the settlement issue and the future geography of Pales ­tine/Israel. In the background of fresh missile attack on the town of Sderot by Islamic extremists, it is in the overall interests of both communities and the government of Israel to reconsider the theory of conflict transformation – the basis of the creation of bi-national state (OLoughlin) 2. The theory of conflict transformation, as propounded by Dr. Johan Galtung, Head – Transcend, is based on non-violence, creativity and empathy to make both parties move further from a static position to a realistic relationship. It is in sharp contrast to the earlier approach of diplomatic war of words and war

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bargaining and Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bargaining and Negotiation - Essay Example There is also the perception that conflict resolution is a costly, complicated and thankless undertaking. In the process of upholding bargaining and negotiation as the best methods of resolving this type of organizational conflict, the paper also discussed related human resource management strategies commonly intended to create a complement of committed and motivated employees. These include: equal opportunity in promotion and advancement; fostering cooperation and camaraderie in the workplace; attending to employees' physical, emotional and psychological well-being; and hiring people who not only possess the necessary skills but the willingness and capability to work in a team. The research found that conflict resolution is possible without professional counselors such as occupational psychologists, whose services not many organizations can afford. Managers and supervisors can perform this function just as well with some training on non-directive counseling or "listening with unders tanding (Skaperdas, 1998)." This works because the manager serves as catch basin by which the discontented employee can vent his feelings and thus relieve his frustrations to move to a problem-solving frame of mind. It was also learned that the appropriate HRM strategies mentioned above are good preventive measures. Research Conflict is part of organizational life, which becomes even more pronounced in highly politicized and hierarchical organizations. One view of organizational structure looks at it as the outcome of a political contest for control within the organization, which at the same time provides the participants with further advantages in the political struggles because of their structural positions (Johnson, 1976). Once people of different capabilities and estimation of their self-worth come together, they invariably form a political organization. According to organizational theory, each individual and group in an organization is expected to play a specific role, like organs in the human body, and that all institutions, laws and traditions in a society are designed to support those in power or groups perceived as superior to others. Consequently, conflict arises when any of that individual or group breaks out of its specific role and aspire for a higher position or a greater share of the organ ization's resources (Bacal, online). Conflict within an organization is thought of as unpleasant, counterproductive and time-consuming, but it need not be destructive if the energy expended on it is directed towards problem-solving and organizational improvement. Instead of viewing it as a destructive force, it is seen as a factor to stimulate members in increasing their knowledge, skills and contribution to organizational innovation and productivity. Rather than try to eliminate conflict or suppress its symptoms, the best way is to manage the conflict so that it enhances instead of

Using the theory of conflict transformation prepare a brief for the Essay

Using the theory of conflict transformation prepare a brief for the Israeli government detailing why the creation of a bi-national state is their best response to strikes in early September - Essay Example ive results, include the initiatives like Clinton parameters of 2000, the Taba talks of 2001, the road map of 2002-3, the Nusseibeh-Ayalon Plan, and the Geneva Accords of 2003. Failures of such initiatives have made it clear that in the absence of any fruitful dispute resolution formula, fighting and bloodshed would worsen the situation further. The international community as well as the UN resolutions has not been successful in resolving the dispute in accordance with international law. The idea of two nation theory, circulated in different forms for the last five decades, has been advocated by scholars and intellectuals alike from both sides. The Israeli government, on its part, has been making it clear through its recent policies and strategies that it is in no mood to resolve the impasse through the two-nation theory – the theory of conflict transformation (Hadi, Passia Publications). 1 The creation of a bi-national state is not only in the best interest of Palestinians but also for the people and government of Israel, embarking on an era of peaceful co-existence, bringing an end to the type of missile attacks on the towns and cities of Israel. There is need to look at the dispute from different angles – historical, conceptual, and religious sides as well, involving the refugee question, Jerusalem, the settlement issue and the future geography of Pales ­tine/Israel. In the background of fresh missile attack on the town of Sderot by Islamic extremists, it is in the overall interests of both communities and the government of Israel to reconsider the theory of conflict transformation – the basis of the creation of bi-national state (OLoughlin) 2. The theory of conflict transformation, as propounded by Dr. Johan Galtung, Head – Transcend, is based on non-violence, creativity and empathy to make both parties move further from a static position to a realistic relationship. It is in sharp contrast to the earlier approach of diplomatic war of words and war

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Conclusion and recommendation Essay Example for Free

Conclusion and recommendation Essay Based on the results of the focus group discussion and the interview, Web 2. 0 applications being utilized for educational purposes are seen to have a very good potential in being integrated into educational processes for teaching and learning. Reflective of the first objective, it has been seen that there is a positive outlook with regards to Web 2. 0 applications from students and how the communicate. In addition, it is seen that educational processes would from time to time inculcate particular. Web 2. 0 applications and replacing conventional educational tools with newer and more technologically adept Web 2. 0 applications in order for educators to be more effective in communicating with students. With respect to the sixth objective of this study, educators are keen to note that Web 2. 0 applications have the potential for being used as a tool for educational purposes. Educators on one hand furthered this conclusion because of their openness to the concept of including Web 2. 0 applications in their curriculum, utilizing its capabilities in effectively transferring knowledge to their students and more importantly communicating with them. In answering objectives two and three, educators themselves indicated that they are able to already utilize Web 2. 0 applications for providing administrative information to their students and they have indicated that Web 2. 0 applications being used as educational tools already exists and is being utilized by other educators. They are able to go with the flow of innovation as students are getting more and more adept with the use of such internet tools that they are able to identify with this and use this to the teacher’s advantage. The educators have identified that Web 2. 0 applications such as Blogs, Wikis, and other social networking tools have the potential to be used as teaching tools. Being able to use such a tool would not only make their teaching efforts easier but more importantly more effective in bringing information to their students. Coming from the aim of the study particularly to identify how Web 2. 0 technologies can be applied to Higher education, it is apparent that due to the inputs coming from both the student body and educators and because of extant literature there is an apparent improvement in the use of Information Technology in higher education. With the current use of Web 2. 0 technologies such as that of Flickr, Wikis and Myspace by both students and educators in communicating and teaching learning, Web 2. 0 technologies in the future will most certainly be integrated into higher education. This is due to the cultural changes that are observed within educators and students as how they perceive Web 2. 0 technologies and their effect on higher education. This is already evident as students currently utilize such Web 2. 0 applications in communicating with their peers for educational purposes. The next phase would be to utilize such tools more effectively and efficiently by the educators themselves in communicating with their students. On the other hand, because of such an increase in utilization, it would be constructive for this area of educational research if there are additional in-depth studies pertaining to Web 2. 0 technologies and how they affect higher education. In order to further explain and expound on this body of knowledge, it is recommended that a considerable number of focus groups be added into the study. This would yield a more accurate and diverse collation of answers. This would then be used in acquiring more information and validating the results of this study. In addition to the methodology, there should be an inclusion of several interviews to be conducted on other areas particularly other educational classes and universities so as to identify the relationship of geography with Web learning. In addition to this, it would be useful to identify if there is a relationship between racial background and web learning, is there a trait that controls the preferences of various races utilize web 2. 0 applications and if there is a relationship with race. Lastly, In addition to what was mentioned above, it would prove crucial if there is further study with regards to other countries and how they are able to utilize Web 2. 0 applications in their pursuit for better education. This would be able to provide the research with a better comparison particular to the effects of countries with respect to Web 2. 0 applications and Web learning.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Link between Transition and Vulnerable Groups in Albania

Link between Transition and Vulnerable Groups in Albania â€Å"The link between transition and vulnerable groups in Albania† Viola Sadushaj Supervisor: Edith FAVOREU Research topic: â€Å"The link between transition and vulnerable groups in Albania† Problem statement:  Ã¢â‚¬ËœVulnerable groups’ Albania shares with the rest of Europe a cultural and historical heritage with roots in the Greek, Roman, and Ottoman civilizations and the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Muslim religions. The country’s level of economic development and its physical and social infrastructure are like those of the poorest and least-developed areas in Africa and Latin America. The Albanian population has always been vulnerable to the problems of poverty and isolation from the outside world  [1]. Neither the Government nor the kinship networks have had the capacity to compensate for the social upheavals brought about by the fall of Communism. Since that time, new vulnerable groups have arisen as a direct result of the fragmentation of the social structure. The transition in Albania is characterized by volatile and dramatic disruptions. The country is searching for a way out of its economic and social difficulties without a clear sense of direction, and with little social cohesion to sustain whatever policy the Government may choose. Transition is characterized by disorienting, chaotic events, a loss of traditional social norms and organizational arrangements, a lack of credibility on the part of new political leadership, and the appearance of intermediate institutions operating as enclaves and detached from the dynamics in the society. The events of 1991, threw the country into a state of chaos that has been unpredictable in terms of both duration and outcome, making it very difficult to achieve social progress in a cost-effective, equitable, and compassionate way  [2]. Albania is experiencing the emergence of social needs that cannot be addressed simply in terms of poverty reduction. Poverty reduction strategies generally assume that when an economy begins to improve within a scenario of greater political stability and foreign investment, many of the poor and unemployed will be mainstreamed into productive occupations  [3]. The transition in Albania has identified two main conditions of vulnerability (a) social exclusion, which marginalizes people via the mechanism of rejection from mainstream society, and (b) gender abuse, which marginalizes women via the threat or use of violence. Such conditions have created at least seven highly vulnerable groups in Albania: Youth at risk of abandoning school: Dropping out of school exposes increasing numbers of youth to the risk of social exclusion, street begging in Italy and Greece, and, in the case of girls, gender abuse. It is also an important factor in the resurgence of illiteracy, lack of economic opportunity, and general cultural diminishment. Institutionalized and abandoned children: This group includes orphans, children abandoned by their families, and those with physical handicaps. Such children were strongly penalized under the Communist regime and their condition has not improved. Today their numbers are increasing and they are even more marginalized due to the disruptions and consequent breakdown of family relationships, which are their only guarantee of survival. Young men at risk of criminal behavior: Young men who have finished school are at risk of becoming socially excluded and eventually recruited by the criminal economy. The incidence of this phenomenon is correlated with the income level and employment opportunities in the various areas. Young men at risk of drug addiction: This group is recent origin, present mainly in Tirana and other urban centers, but also rapidly expanding in smaller cities. Albania is becoming one of the major drug crossroads in Europe, with cannabis widely cultivated in the south and heroin coming in from Turkey. Abandoned elderly: Traditional Albanian values require the family to care for the elderly. Nevertheless, massive migration and the breakdown of extended families is resulting in their neglect. Social institutions to care for the elderly are inadequate and unprepared to meet demands for assistance by the increasing numbers who do not have children or are not supported by children who have emigrated. Women at risk of gender abuse: The fall of Communist regime has worsened the condition of women. Young women are initiated into prostitution almost exclusively by close friends or boyfriends, many of them linked to organized crime. There is also a resurgence of the pre-Communist betrothal tradition; which exposes young women to the risk of violence both within and outside the family. As a result of this lack of security, parents are keeping girls out of school. The vulnerable groups have varying features depending on where they are located. All seven groups are found in large numbers in the cities and rural communities of the middle and coastal regions, where uncontrolled migration flows are accelerating the breakdown of the traditional family structure in the context in which no mechanism are in place to support the emergence of strong nuclear families. The lack of economic opportunities for men and women in these areas, combined with the surge of criminal organizations are illegal residences, are producing increasing numbers of abandoned elderly, women, and children and are putting an entire young generation at risk of drug use and criminal activities that victimize others. Problems caused by transition: Loss of state employment, Insecurity due to crime and gang activity, Family disaggregation. Priority needs of people: Improve employment opportunities, Credit for small business, Improve infrastructure: water supply, power, transportation lines, telephone and communication systems etc. Improve social services, Greater security, Education and health services, Reduce the corruption. In this phase of transition, Albania’s representative institutions are formally in place but operationally inadequate, while social intermediary organizations such as citizens associations are few and limited in scope. Large areas of the country, particularly in the north and east, are still organized according to extended family and clan relationships that control local administrations and have little interface with central government institutions. The emergence of the new vulnerable groups in society is at odds with the prevailing kinship ties, and their interests are scarcely represented in Albanias weak body politic. The countrys political institutions are further weakened by the continuing polarization between the Geghs (speakers of the northern dialect) and the Tosks (speakers of the southern dialect) in national politics and the central administration. In addition, the countrys labor unions, a driving force for social protection in Albania (as in all European countries), have collapsed as a result of closure of state industries, leaving industry and agriculture largely to microenterprises and family units. National cohesion also suffers from a fragmented press and the limited coverage of national issues. Religion does not have a significant official political impact in the country, although Moslem and Christian leaders express views on social issues such as abortion and education. As a result of all these factors, decisions relevant to large numbers of people are usually made through consultations and negotiations within informal networks. At the central level the institution that presently endeavors to address the needs of vulnerable groups is the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Women (MOLSAW). The Ministry operates through its Policy Department and two autonomous subdivisions: the National Employment Services (NES) and the General Administration of Social Services (GASS). Most of MOLSAWs budget comes from the Finance Ministry, although efforts are being made to attract foreign donors and to set up special funds supplied by external aid. MOLSAW is now practicality the only source of financing for social programs, although the law enables rural communes and urban municipalities to levy taxes. In 1996, the NE share of GDP decreased slightly from 1995, with an almost certain decrease in household allocations, and a negative but unquantifiable effect on particularly vulnerable household members. In 1996, households receiving cash benefits were estimated to be approximately 20 percent of all households 35 percent according to World Bank estimates. Large numbers of poor are not eligible for the NE program, including those who moved to urban areas after December 1995- an exclusionary measure designed to slow migration to urban areas. Moreover, many who are eligible cannot get benefits due to the lack of records. The Government provides limited social services through welfare institutions such as orphanages and homes for elderly, with very few social workers monitoring situations of poverty and social exclusion of individuals or groups. At present, there are only 22 Government welfare facilities in the entire country, operated by GASS and located in several communes. They include 5 residences for homeless and abandoned elderly, housing a total of 300 persons (30 applicants are on a waiting list and there are 7,500 pending request for admission); and 7 centers for the handicapped (1 each in Tirana, Berat, Korca, Lezha, and Durres, and 2 in Shkodra). Facilities and attendant services are grossly inadequate. The Government estimates that there are 27,000 handicapped individuals in the country, 6,000 of whom need specific, long-term treatment, which is unavailable. None of the 12 regional GASS offices has a physician on staff. The role of NGOs The traditional extended family and clan-based structure of Albania, together with the half century of Communism, have produced a society in which civic associations, including those active in the care of vulnerable groups and dedicated to social development, are still scarce  [4]. Nevertheless, the number of indigenous NGOs has been increasing over the past years, and many foreign NGOs are also active. These organizations provide a range of social services but act quite independently from one another, and often with little interface with government. Legislation concerning NGOs has been under consideration for some time, including a bill that would license NGOs working with vulnerable groups, as well as establish a mechanism to transfer resources from MOSLAW to those NGOs. The system would presumably consist of a grant fund useable for NGO projects or NGO-run activities; the NGOs would be selected to run certain projects on the basis of tenders. MOSLAW would have the responsibility to inspect and monitor NGO activities funded through that mechanism. The Albanian NGO Forum, the main umbrella organization, includes more than 200 indigenous NGOs, of which roughly 90 appear to carry out some activity, while the others seem to exist in name only; the numbers are inexact due to the lack of registration standards. Most of the organizations are minuscule (one to three persons) and have little in the way of a track record or a well-defined mission. According to the Forum, no more than ten are able to carry out social service programs, and most of these are linked with foreign NGOs or NGO networks, or are supported by international organizations. There are no mass-based, grassroots NGOs. The Forum is oriented toward national development and civil progress issues. Of its 90 operative members, 18 are dedicated to womens issues, and 4 of these are said to be influential in promoting networking among women to place gender issues on the national agenda. Others are involved in providing microcredit and skills training, thereby acting as informa tion bridges to open up new economic and social perspective to their beneficiaries. Many of these are rural women, who are encouraged by such programs to start their own businesses. A number of international NGOs are also active in Albania, the largest network of which is run by the Catholic Church. This network consists of worship, education, health, and social service centers staffed by a total of about 100 religious and lay personnel. The activities are carried out mainly in Tirana and major centers in the traditionally Catholic northern regions. Several Islamic NGOs also run childcare, education, and health programs. Some lay NGOs are active in issues concerning women, children, and babies; and one, the Soros Foundation, is becoming involved in the Albanian Development Funds urban microcredit program. While the international NGOs are making valuable contributions to human welfare, however their presence in the country remains suboptimal, which prevents them from undertaking programs that could have a system-wide impact. Research Questions: Is the transition process inclusive or exclusive regarding vulnerable groups? Does the transition process contribute to specific changes for the vulnerable groups? What should do the state of Albania to address a better response to these vulnerable groups in this process of transition? Bibliography: Books: -Alexandra Barahona De Brito, Carmen Gonzalez Enriquez, Paloma Aguilar, â€Å"The Politics of Memory and Democratization: Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies: Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies†, OUP Oxford, 2001. -Attila Agh, â€Å"Emerging Democracies in East Central Europe and the Balkans†, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 1998. -Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007. -Elez Biberaj, â€Å"Albania: a socialist moverick†, Westview Press, 1990. -Fatos Tarifa, â€Å"To Albania with love†, The Rowman Littlefield Publishing Group Incorporated, 2007. -Fatos Tarifa, Max Spoor, â€Å"The first decade and after: Albanian’s democratic transition and consolidation in the context of Southeast Europe†, CESTRAD, Institute of Social Studies, 2000. -Hans-Peter Jost, Christina Kleineidam, Fatos Lubonja, â€Å"Albania in transition 1991†, Benteli, 2011. -James Pettifer Miranda Vickers, â€Å"The Albanian Question, Reshaping the Balkans†, I.B.Tauris, 2007. -Krassimira Daskalova, Caroline Hornstein TomiĆ¡, Karl Kaser, Filip Radunovic, â€Å"Gendering Post-socialist Transition: Studies of Changing Gender Perspectives†, LIT Verlag Mà ¼nster, 2012. -Lavinia Stan, â€Å"Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union : Reckoning with the communist past†, The Routledge, 2009. -Lavinia Stan, â€Å"Transitional Justice in Post-Communist, Romania, The Politics of Memory†, Cambridge University Press, 2012. -Matteo Fochessati, Rubens Shima, Sandra Solimano, â€Å"Arte in Albania prima e dopo il 1990 : cosi vicina, cosi lontana†, Silvana, 2009. -Misha Glenny, â€Å"The Balkans, Nationalism, War and the Great Powers, 1804-2011†, Penguin books, 2012. -Neil J.Kritz, â€Å"Transitional Justice: How emerging democracies reckon with Former Regimes†, US Institute of Peace Press, 1995. -Olivera Simic, Zala Volcic, â€Å"Transitional Justice and Civil Society in the Balkans†, Springer, 2012. -Owen Pearson, â€Å"Albania in the twentieth century: a history, volume III: Albania as dictatorship and democracy: From isolation to the Kosovo War†, The Center for Albanian Studies in association with I.B.Touris, 2006. -Peter Lucas, foreword by Fatos Tarifa, â€Å"The OSS in World War II Albania: Covert operations and Collaborations with Communist Partisans†, McFarland Company, Incorporated Publishers, 2007. [1] Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007, pg.5. [2] Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007, pg.6. [3] Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007, pg.8. [4] Albanian NGOs are most active in sectors such as health, education, culture, youth, women, and the environment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A View from the Bridge Essay -- A View from the Bridge Arthur Miller E

A View from the Bridge There are moments of great tension in this play. Tracing the developments of Eddies obsession, show how Miller creates and builds up tension, particularly in the final part of Act 1. How would the tension be shown dramatically? 'A View from the Bridge' is a play based on pride & justice and Sicilian Honour. There is fine line between natural justice and that that is provided by the law. The theme of 'Justice provided by the law,' starts right at the beginning of the play with Alfieri's opening speech. As a lawyer, he tells the watching audience of his experiences with the people of Brooklyn, "After all, who have I dealt with in my life? Longshoreman and their wives, and fathers and grandfathers, compensation cases, evictions, family squabbles - the petty troubles of the poorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦" The perception of law and lawyers in Brooklyn is not entirely friendly. The people of Brooklyn prefer not to bother with the authorities at a time of legal need. These people would much rather sought out their problems by enforcing Natural Justice, they would deal with a situation in their own way. The community of Brooklyn has its Sicilian Honour, this is a community of people who are against law and order. They find it unlucky to pass a lawyer on the street, in the eyes of Brooklyn people, lawyers are connected with evil and disasters and people would rather not get to close. This play provides the watching audience with a lot of natural justice from the main characters, Eddie, Marco and Beatrice when she intervenes with Eddies and Catherine's relationship. The natural justice with Eddie is with Marco and Rodolpho, Eddie here has taken the law into his own hands and betraying Marco and Rodolph... ... It is now that the tension levels have reached a record breaking high, but that record is broken just a few Brooklyn days later when Marco is released and confronts Eddie. Eddie is very confident and doesn't feel any fear of Marco, Eddie is advised by Beatrice, Catherine and Rodolpho that Marco will seriously kill him and that he should just stay away. However, Eddie couldn't let himself look like a wus towards Marco and so decides to confront him outside. Unknown to the watching audience, Eddie is actually armed, but not dangerous! As Marco tries to seriously harm Eddie, Eddie pulls out his pen knife and the audience a watching have come to their own conclusion that Marco is going to be given the stab, but unsuspectedly tension levels are breaking more world-wide records and Marco decides to take his personal law into his own hands and kills Eddie.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Franklins Preface To Poor Rich Essay -- essays research papers

In Benjamin Franklin’s preface to Poor Richard Improved, "The Way to Wealth", Franklin offers many adages to help the reader conserve money. Many of these sayings are common even today. The title of this preface makes since because the title, "The Way to Wealth", can be interpreted as The Road to Wealth. If the reader does as these adages tell them, he or she should be on their way to wealth. Franklin offers advice to just about anybody. Franklin believed that wealth was important because it led to both frugality and industry. Frugality and industry were listed as his fifth and sixth virtues. Franklin tells us that in order to be industrious, we must always be employed in something useful. His proverb, "Employ thy Time well if though meanest to gain L... Franklins Preface To Poor Rich Essay -- essays research papers In Benjamin Franklin’s preface to Poor Richard Improved, "The Way to Wealth", Franklin offers many adages to help the reader conserve money. Many of these sayings are common even today. The title of this preface makes since because the title, "The Way to Wealth", can be interpreted as The Road to Wealth. If the reader does as these adages tell them, he or she should be on their way to wealth. Franklin offers advice to just about anybody. Franklin believed that wealth was important because it led to both frugality and industry. Frugality and industry were listed as his fifth and sixth virtues. Franklin tells us that in order to be industrious, we must always be employed in something useful. His proverb, "Employ thy Time well if though meanest to gain L...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Air Transat Analysis Essay

Introduction: Air Transat is a Canadian airline based in Montreal, Quebec. It was founded in 1987, and is owned by Transat A.T. Inc. According to Air Transat’s website, their mission statement is: â€Å"Air Transat is Canada’s leading holiday travel airline. Every year, it carries some 3 million passengers to nearly 60 destinations in 25 countries aboard its fleet of Airbus wide-body jets. The company employs approximately 2,000 people. Air Transat is a business unit of Transat A.T. Inc., an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. Air Transat was named World’s Best Leisure Airline at the Skytrax annual World Airline Awards, held in July 2012.† â€Å"Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, destination services and distribution. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A)† Air Transat presents its products and services by stating that is a leading holiday travel airline that is owned and operated by Transat A.T. Inc. The types of customers served are international passengers within the 60 destinations that they operate in. Air Transat geographically covers 60 destinations in 25 countries. One of the ways Air Transat is distinguished from its competitors within the industry is by being give the world’s Best Leisure Airline two years ago in July 2012. Nothing has been mentioned about customer needs in their mission statement as well as they type of customers they are targeting. We could assume that Air  Transat is seeking holiday-oriented customer rather than business oriented customers for example. This mission statement shows no insight on how the firm will continue to compete with its competitors. According to Air Transat’s website, their vision statement is: â€Å"At Transat, we recognize the prime importance of the environment, host communities, cultural diversity, and our relationships with our employees, customers and partners. At Air Transat too†¦ Then, Air Transat is committed to reducing its ecological footprint, and has adopted an environmental policy.† This vision statement does not focus on the future they see in their vision with host communities, diversity, employees, customers, and partners. However, it focuses on the environment. It has done that by creating an environmental policy, which is committed to doing the following according to Air Transat’s website: 1. Complying with all applicable municipal, provincial, federal, and international legal requirements, exceeding compliance wherever practical and possible. 2. Certifying our environmental systems and performance to the highest standards, such as ISO14001, IENVa, LEED, ICI ON RECYCLE and Fly-360-Green. 3. Conserving natural resources, such as energy and water, and preventing pollution in our operations, buildings, and supply chains through source reduction, re-use, recycling and control. 4. Continuously improving our environmental performance by setting and reviewing objectives and targets, and by training and involving our employees and stakeholders whose activities have a significant environmental impact. 5. Collaborating with all of our key stakeholders (employees, suppliers, communities, governments and industry groups) regarding environmental, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility initiatives and issues. Surprisingly, I did not find a strategic objectives statement on Air Transat’s website. There were no statements regarding how they will put their mission statement into action, or how their goals will be achieved.  However, there is a page that lists and summarizes all Air Transat’s awards, rewards, and recognition. PEST analysis: The definition of PEST analysis according to is: â€Å"A type of situation analysis in which political-legal (government stability, spending, taxation), economic (inflation, interest rates, unemployment), socio-cultural (demographics, education, income distribution), and technological (knowledge generation, conversion of discoveries into products, rates of obsolescence) factors are examined to chart an organization’s long-term plans.† POLITICAL ECONOMIC SOCIO-CULTURAL TECHNOLOGICAL Fuel taxation, and landing taxation Fear of terrorist attacks after 9/11. New European union regulations have led to higher levels of competition on European routes. Increase in the price of oil Increase in transportation costs Increase in disposable income due to rise in incomes and lower interest rates (people have more money to spend on leisure trips) Change in consumer behavior resulting from the aging population in Canada may affect the number of leisure trips taken Increased popularity in travelling abroad – Carbon dioxide emission – Emirates airlines launching double decker aircrafts (A380), serving 25 destinations – Wireless internet being launched in aircrafts – Frequent flyer programs The increase in the price of oil and the rate at which it is increasing is a global issue. For Air Transat, this means an increase in cost and expenditure. Since oil is essential in this industry, there is not much that Air Transat can do. The increase in the price of oil could cause force Air Transat to increase their prices for flight tickets. In more extreme cases, Air Transat may not be able to increase the prices for certain routes, and be forced to terminate their services to these routes. Air Transat could benefit from the change in consumer behavior resulting from the aging population in Canada by targeting the elderly population through advertising and promotions. For example, they could offer retirement packages, and certain promotions for specific destinations or at specific seasons of the year. Air Transat would need to conduct extensive market research about this matter to take into consideration that most retired people are on a fixed income or might not be healthy enough to fly etc. With the increased use of technology, wireless Internet is not only important for business traveler but also for leisure travelers. Even though it is not that common for aircrafts to offer wireless Internet during their flight, it being launched. Air Transat should consider offering this service, as it might be an attractive feature for many travelers. Porter’s Five Forces: According to, the definition of Porter’s Five forces is: â€Å"Named after Michael E. Porter, this model identifies and analyzes 5 competitive forces that shape every industry, and helps determine an industry’s weaknesses and strengths. 1. Competition in the industry 2. Potential of new entrants into industry 3. Power of suppliers 4. Power of customers 5. Threat of substitute products† The threat of new entry into the airline industry is very weak due to a few factors including very large capital required, major airports are highly congested, slow growth rates and with many reputable airlines already, brand loyalty may not be easy to establish due to the competition. This force is likely to remain weak. Competitive Rivalry is ranked as high because there are a high number of airlines operating both domestically and internationally with very competitive prices that Air Transat will need to constantly try to match. The fixed cost is very high such as the cost of oil, which cannot be controlled to a great extent. There is also a low product differentiation meaning that even though Air Transat is a leisure airline, there are still many other airlines that offer service to the same destinations at similar prices. Most airlines offer some type of frequent flyer program, which causes passengers who are members of these programs to be loyal to their airlines. This force could become even higher due to the increased competition. Bargaining power of suppliers is Moderate. Airlines are usually in a long-term contract with airline manufacturers, which also limit drastic increases in prices during that contract but because there are only two airline manufacturers; Boeing, and Airbus. They have a lot of power to make changes that Air Transat would be bound to accept. Labor my also be an issue because positions such as pilots, aerospace engineers, managers, and marketers may require high salaries and may not be easily found in the market. However, the salaries for labor in the airline industry are standardized over similar airlines. This force is likely to stay the same. Bargaining power of buyers is weak. Individual flyers, travel agencies, and online portals can all easily switch to different airlines due to low switching costs. However, the pool of customers is very large ranging from individual customers to large organizations. This force is likely to become weaker over time. Threat of substitutes is moderate within the airline industry because there are numerous airlines that offer service to the same destinations as Air Transat with similar prices, which does not limit the chance of customers switching to different airlines. However, that kind of standardization over the industry does not make other airlines more attractive than Air Transat. Threat of substitutes outside the industry is low because many destinations cannot be reached in a timely manner without flying, specially international ones. Flying is faster and safer than road, rail, or marine. I believe this force will become weaker over time. New Opportunities: Since Air Transat is well established in Canada, they have the chance to grow internationally beyond Europe. They can also take advantage of the current growth in the aging population in Canada by targeting that market and researching different ways to attract older customers. They could create a frequent flyer program specially designed for seniors. With Air Transat’s sold reputation, they could also have contracts with European organizations to provide them services. Air Transat could take advantages of the new developments in technology by providing wireless internet on their aircrafts and also by launching a new type of aircraft for European destinations such as the double decker plane that Emirates airlines launched. Threats: The main threat is the price of oil increasing is the highest cost for airlines now. A sudden spike in the price of oil could have negative impacts on Air Transat causing it to terminate service to one of their 60 destinations. There are other threats such as safety concerns due to the fear of terrorist attack, changes in government regulations and environmental issues. The airline/aviation industry overall is a great industry to be in for existing airlines, but a very hard one to get into for new airlines. Air Transat has a lot of potential to grow in the European market, and even  farther. Citations: Air Transat Environmental Policy. In Resp.Transat. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Emirates A30 News & Events. In Emirates. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from External environment theory. In Business case studies. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Pest Analysis. In Business dictionary. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Porter’s 5 Forces. In Investopedia. Retrieved Febuary 8, 2014, from Porter’s Five Forces. In Mind tools. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Porter’s Five Forces. In Sites google. Retrieved Febuary 8, 2014, from Profile. In Air Transat. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Inkwell Ltd Intro Essay

Introduction Inkwell Ltd like every other company will need to use accounting in their business. Inkwell are a printer cartridge company who recycle old ones, but then re-manufactures them to give them back to their customers. They are well known for high quality products, with a 100% guarantee product. Obviously they will need a good accounting system to be able to maximise profits, like every other company. With Inkwell working on a just in time system and being a company boasting in the quality of their products, it is essential that they have good relationships with their external stakeholders. Due to working a JIT system, Inkwell will need to maintain a good relationship with suppliers, because if one supplier is late or delays or has reduced quality goods, Inkwells production and be slowed or disrupted very easily. This stall in production can then have a knock on effect to the customers, because the quality of Inkwells cartridges may be reduced. Accounting systems will be affected by the organisational structure, because if a company has a complex structure, it may be very hard and time consuming to get things approved for accounting (investment etc.) which can cause the business to lose out. Also, again the JIT procedure/system can affect the accounting department, because Inkwell will need to make sure the suppliers are paid on time so no disruption to JIT will take place. Business transactions will need to all be done correctly and noted, so they can be placed into the purchase ledger etc. correctly. Accounting plays a vital and pivotal role in the success of every company. The purpose of accounting is to be able to make decisions on where to invest money into the company and which areas to focus on to make costs as low as possible, to be able to maximise profits for the company. This is done by using financial data within in the company to be able to create reports about the company to show the financial position and strength of a company. Also, these reports can show which areas of the company needs investment, improvement or focus. This will have effects on other parts of the company,  because the accounting department and decide where and what amount of money etc. can and will be allocated to different parts of the company. This will then have an effect on these parts of the company, because if the accounting side do not allocate enough resources to other parts of the company, then the company itself may not operate to its full potential. There are many external regulations that affect the accounting practice, such as HMRC regulations which can affect payroll/PAYE, VAT and customs. Also, there can be local authority regulations which can affect planning permission and health and safety, and H&S being more and more worldwide. There are also minimum wage laws and safe disposal regulations which can link into these. This can affect accounting systems and the users, because you will need to abide by these regulations/laws so you do not incur fines etc.. For example, if the VAT rates change, the sales people at the company will need to make sure that when they are preparing for the sale, they take into account the new VAT rate. Payroll will need to be monitored, due to PAYE regulations. Inkwell will need to ensure that they pay everyone for the correct amount of hours they work, as they pay employees per hour. Inkwell are not doing this as yet, as they do not have a clocking in and out system, and the hours are written dow n by the employee, which relies a lot on trusting the employee. Business will use Income statements, cash flows and statement of financial position for many reasons. Cash flows for example will be used so that a rough value of how much cash is available in the business, which can influence whether or not payments will be have to be delayed or debts chased up quicker. Income statements and financial positions can be used to work out various formulas to work out how well a business is operating, and where the business can improve. For example, some costs in parts of the business which are high compared to elsewhere/other businesses could be cut.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Family Heritage

Family is defined by the dictionary as a â€Å"fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children, sharing the same goals, common ancestry and living under the same roof. † In modern times a family might consist of one or two parents of the opposite sex or two of the same sex as a growing number of countries and jurisdictions including the United States have lifted bans or have established some legal recognition for this type of â€Å"modern families† (J. Burkholder, ,. , & Burbank, P. 012) Regardless of how society defines the family structure or how families are composed they all care for the well-being and health of its members, taken greater efforts to develop healthy family structures, investing time to ensure each family member is provided with the necessary tools to become a productive and healthy member of society. Families have many factors in common, those factors is what makes them unique also gives healthcare providers clues to treat medical conditions affecting a particular family. A family medical history is important it should include information transmitted from generation to generation primarily from close relatives such as grandparents, parents, individuals own children, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews. Knowing one’s family medical history allows taking necessary steps to potentially reduce the risk of developing a disease later on in life, even if the medical condition runs in their family; also knowing about what specific disease affects the family and how to take preventive measures, contributes to the promotion of health among family members and its recovery. Respect for each other’s beliefs is an important part of my family. The family is composed of 16 members, we practice three different religions Christian, Catholic and Judaism; religious services, birthdays and other holidays are important events for the whole family to get together. Identified three wellness and family diagnosis that can relate to my family: 1. Effective Therapeutic Regimen Management, pain under control using meditation due to poor tolerance to pain killers. Applies to my mother’s method of pain control. 2. Ineffective Health Maintenance, surgical interventions and neuropathic pain related to diabetes and uncontrolled weight. Applies to my sister’s struggle with her weight and diabetes. 3. Risk for Situational Low Self-Esteem, not feeling or seen self as beautiful related to overweight issues. Applies to my older niece and her struggle with her image and her weight.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Becoming a nurse Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Becoming a nurse - Personal Statement Example Establishing that as my goal, I kept thinking about the potential ways in which I could benefit others throughout my childhood and teenage. I finally reached the conclusion that I need to join a profession that enables me to involve with people emotionally to console and satiate them, and no profession allows that more than the profession of nursing. Nursing is more than just a profession as it requires a nurse to be personally and emotionally involved in his/her interaction with the patients. This personal and emotional link has healing power and is sometimes even more special and effective than medicines. I also want to become a nurse because there is currently a shortage of nurses in the US. Becoming a nurse gives me the surety that I will be employed as soon as I attain my degree. Moreover, I want to join the profession of nursing as it provides an individual with the opportunity of social networking which is essential for both personal and professional growth of an

Monday, October 7, 2019

I need a research paper and it needs to be over A Taste Of Honey by Essay

I need a research paper and it needs to be over A Taste Of Honey by Shelagh Delaney and it need to have an argumentative thesis statement - Essay Example The drama has strong racial and homosexual undertones and the writer is trying to send a thought provoking message to the society. If we look around today our attitudes towards gays, single mothers and interracial unions have hardly changed even in the wake of liberal ,legal and social reforms. The play was written in 1958 when Divorces were a taboo, there was lesser minority representation amongst the society and single parenting was looked down upon as a religious and social offence. Gay marriages or open homosexual cohabitations were unheard of because such people were at a risk of bodily harm if their sexual orientation was made public. It was known as one of the "kitchen sink" plays of its time when the English Theatre was being revolutionised. The play shows women's perspectives on premarital sex, teen pregnancy, abortion, and adoption. This was big step to discuss these issues in public and show them in English drama. The Characters are the stereotypes of the working class British audience. The story line focuses around the life of the women (Helen and Jo)and their problems in the setting of the 1950's.The mother and daughter are shown coping with a tumultuous life.Jo is a 17-year-old working class girl whose mother, is an abusive drunkyard .Jo's is devastated

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Google glasses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Google glasses - Essay Example This version is effective since it has a user practice that works easily under voice commands and touch. Based on the demand-pull inflation, Google glass has received a strong consumer demand due to its efficiency. The users are highly purchasing the Google glasses, and its sales have increased inevitably. This has improved the economy of Google glasses making it to have the attention of many users al over the world. In conclusion, according to the Ansoff strategy, the company has to undertake various steps to make sure that the consumers are aware of the product in the mark. When the Google glass products are introduced the market penetration is important since it captures the attention of customers from other products. This results to market development where different consumers are targeted for the Google glass products. When the products develop, the manufactures of Google glass have the advantage of producing new products since the consumers are aware. Through these strategies, the product will become diversified and the manufacturing firm is at a lower risk of losing market to its

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Chief Information Security Officer Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chief Information Security Officer - Term Paper Example The repercussions of these breaches are felt by multiple parties including the administrative staff, the university itself, the IT department and the student body. It is therefore, imperative for higher education institutions to familiarize themselves with the constantly changing threats besides the high cost associated with leaving data and systems unprotected. Introduction Computer system hacks and data breaches with higher education institutions as the main target are constantly dominating the headlines. The higher education institutions are increasingly at high risk having their information and data compromised by malicious activities and hackers beside insider mistakes. The considerable number of system hacks and data breaches experienced by higher educational institutions can be attributed to such factors as resource plague issues experienced by IT department within the institutions, budgetary constraints and desperate database systems among other factors (Gahm, 2010). Higher e ducational institutions posses a considerable amount of data and distinct data type which make them a potential target by malicious attackers and hackers. A wealth of personally identifiable information is mostly stored by these institutions thus the high risk of data breaches and system hacks. A health record of students, employees and parents together with their names, social security numbers and credit card numbers are among the sensitive information that subject these institutions to potential threats and makes them a valuable target to the hackers. (Gahm, 2010) According to Gahm, Higher educational institutions should learn to take actions besides implementing proactive security to their database infrastructure in order to protect the critical information contained in their database systems. These database systems house a variety of information that can be exploited for financial gain. Given that the institution’s databases are the most critical repository of confidentia l and sensitive information at these institutions, safeguarding the database is of the essence (2010). Recent hack attacks against higher educational institutions Some of the top and best universities around the world had recently been reported to have fallen victim of computer system hack and data breaches. Team GhostShell, a hacking group claimed to have hacked into the servers of close to a hundred universities across the globe including Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford and University of Michigan. Close to 120,000 records were accessed from the breached universities’ servers and publicly posted. Critical and confidential information such as the names, phone numbers, log in details and email addresses were among the records exposed in the event of the breaches. The reports further showed that the hackers used malware injection into the servers in order to compromise their security and gain access to the records. The log-in credentials exposed were further used to improperly access some of the universities’ websites including Stanford University. Another data breach incident involving Western Connecticut State University was reported and blamed on the vulnerabilities existing on their computer systems. The breach utilized the existing vulnerabilities in the system and inappropriately accessed and exposed confidential inf