Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bargaining and Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bargaining and Negotiation - Essay Example There is also the perception that conflict resolution is a costly, complicated and thankless undertaking. In the process of upholding bargaining and negotiation as the best methods of resolving this type of organizational conflict, the paper also discussed related human resource management strategies commonly intended to create a complement of committed and motivated employees. These include: equal opportunity in promotion and advancement; fostering cooperation and camaraderie in the workplace; attending to employees' physical, emotional and psychological well-being; and hiring people who not only possess the necessary skills but the willingness and capability to work in a team. The research found that conflict resolution is possible without professional counselors such as occupational psychologists, whose services not many organizations can afford. Managers and supervisors can perform this function just as well with some training on non-directive counseling or "listening with unders tanding (Skaperdas, 1998)." This works because the manager serves as catch basin by which the discontented employee can vent his feelings and thus relieve his frustrations to move to a problem-solving frame of mind. It was also learned that the appropriate HRM strategies mentioned above are good preventive measures. Research Conflict is part of organizational life, which becomes even more pronounced in highly politicized and hierarchical organizations. One view of organizational structure looks at it as the outcome of a political contest for control within the organization, which at the same time provides the participants with further advantages in the political struggles because of their structural positions (Johnson, 1976). Once people of different capabilities and estimation of their self-worth come together, they invariably form a political organization. According to organizational theory, each individual and group in an organization is expected to play a specific role, like organs in the human body, and that all institutions, laws and traditions in a society are designed to support those in power or groups perceived as superior to others. Consequently, conflict arises when any of that individual or group breaks out of its specific role and aspire for a higher position or a greater share of the organ ization's resources (Bacal, online). Conflict within an organization is thought of as unpleasant, counterproductive and time-consuming, but it need not be destructive if the energy expended on it is directed towards problem-solving and organizational improvement. Instead of viewing it as a destructive force, it is seen as a factor to stimulate members in increasing their knowledge, skills and contribution to organizational innovation and productivity. Rather than try to eliminate conflict or suppress its symptoms, the best way is to manage the conflict so that it enhances instead of

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