Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Diversity Issues and Population Risk Example

Essays on Diversity Issues and Population Risk Article ï » ¿Diversity Issues and Population Risk Diversity refers to the commitment to recognizing and appreciating characteristics that makes one unique. It also entails the differences among people in the society. Diversities exist in different way e.g. culture, age, disability, gender, language, race, physical appearance, heath, political affiliations, and religious beliefs among others. Population on the other hand is the total number of people living within an area or a group of people with similar characteristics. The recent statistics have shown that the different diversities and population are at risk according to Ewijk (2011). These diversities according to Ewijk should be recognized and appreciated. Kenya for example has diverse ethnic, cultural political and religious groups. According to Kim (2011) it was found that ethnic diversities can contribute to the stability of a nation and in turn promote exchange if various ethnic groups recognize and appreciate each other. Ethnic diversity however has caused problems in different parts of the world notably the Ruanda’s genocide which was based on ethnic violence between the Hutus and the Tutsis. (Thompson 302). This ethnic disparity saw Kenya experiencing post election violence which was fought on the basis of ethnic and political affiliations. The ethnic violence experience in this two nations lead to many deaths and loss of property. This came due to failure by citizens of these two countries to appreciate the diversity of ethnic groups in their countries. Cultural and religious diversity has also been witnessed in various parts of the globe where one is either discriminated on the basis of his culture and religion. According to Taylor and Francis (2001) the Muslims minority have been discriminated against in Christian dominated countries. However, the study also shows that discrimination on religious disparity is high in Muslim dominated courtiers as opposed to the Christian dominated courtiers. The war between the Israel and Palestine is majorly based on religious disparity between Christians and the Muslims. These two nations have not appreciated the existence of different religious beliefs in the world. Diversity also exists in relation to health issues where in many countries, there has been tendencies where the disabled persons are stigmatized and sometimes shunned from the community (Global Report 8). Those suffering from HIV AID have also been subjected discrimination and stigmatization. However, this has lead to intense advocacy and education to enlighten people to appreciate the social status of every individual irrespective of his or her health status. Population has therefore been put at risk as a result of failure to recognize and appreciate the existence of diversity in the world. This has lead to frequent wars in many parts of the world as some nations consider others enemies based on their diverse cultures and religion. This has seen many Muslim nations in the world fighting which America on the basic of perception by America and its allies that Muslims are terrorists. Work Cited Ewijk, Van. â€Å"Diversity and diversity policy: diving into fundamental differences†. Journal of Organizational Change. 2011. Kim EH Johnson LR. â€Å"Ethnic Identity, Self-Efficacy, and Intercultural Attitudes in East African and the US†. Youth Journal. 2007. Thompson, Allan. The media and the Rwanda genocide. Oxford Publishers. 2007. Taylor Francis. Religious Discrimination against Muslim Minorities in Christian Majority Counties. Politics, Religion Ideology. 2011. Global Report. Equality at work: tackling the challenges. International Labour Office. 2007.

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