Saturday, November 2, 2019

Scholarly Paper Caring for Individuals, families and groups Research

Scholarly Caring for Individuals, families and groups - Research Paper Example (A Nation Free...p.2) The factors such as geographic location, mental health, age, gender, socioeconomic status, religion are found to be main determinants in health care discrimination. Lack of insurance is the biggest barrier, more than any other economic or demographic barrier that affects the quality of health care received by these groups. They constitute about one-third of the U.S. population, but make up more than half of the 50 million people who are uninsured. Of the total 50 million people who are uninsured, almost half belongs to the racial and ethnic group; while they constitute only one-third of the U.S. population. Reforms under the Affordable Care Act have to be seen in above light and it is likely to be a boon for many and may be a bane for someone. Some of the significant milestones of the act can be described as per the following. Benefits to Children and Senior Citizens The reforms have brought new rights and benefits for children and to those under the age of 26 t o stay on their parent's health insurance. It has also ended annual limits on care. The new act provides 50% discounts on brand-name drugs to seniors in Medicare and it also provides tax credit to small businesses for extending insurance to employees. Providing Access to Insurance for Uninsured Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions Uninsured Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions A Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) is made for individuals who are uninsured for at least six months for that reason. States are also free to run the new programs. The Department of Health and Human Services will run the plan, if the state does not have a plan. This program will serve as a bridge until 2014, when any discrimination against pre-existing conditions will not be allowed. The act will have influences on health and caring across wide section of ethnic minorities in varied ways. Though, the Affordable Care Act is formulated to provide the health for all but it essentially addresses th e needs of those who had no access to adequate coverage due to their underprivileged status. Well-Being, Health, and Safety of the American People The broad range of health indicators pertaining to racial and ethnic minorities is far worse than their non-Hispanic White counterparts hence well-being of these people needs special attention. Hence need is to create an environment that can control chronic diseases and associated risk factors. The effective community-based programs and policies can reduce and tackle the disparities in health standards. (A Nation free†¦p4) Racial and Ethnic Minority It is true that all American citizens do not have equal access to health care. Various racial and ethnic minorities, low-income groups and most of the underprivileged populations have higher rates of illness and less treatment options. Mostly, they do not have any insurance coverage for treatment. They’re less likely to get chance of preventive care and will have no access to the t reatment and screenings to stay healthy. Preventing diabetes and heart disease is a tough task for them. Perhaps, this is the group who is going to get the biggest benefits from this new healthcare program. Economical Ways The Affordable Care Act is geared to reduce these disparities regarding health care by improving access to health care for all citizens. This is aimed at bringing down the

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