Saturday, November 30, 2019

The strength of the wolf is the pack the strength of the pack is the w

This to me sounds like an old saying that my father would tell me, "your only as strong as the weakest link". In the marine corps this meaning is well rehearsed by all the marines. They know that one marine can mean the difference between life and death and will all work to get the marines in their command under the same physical and mental fitness. That is why when in boot camp all of the marines are put through the same trials, they are treated like this so they will work as a team and when one falls the others will help. On the other side if one marine is ineffective as a marine the entire unit Is ineffective. In the beginning of boot camp the recruits are put on the famous yellow foot prints. They are shuffled through a building getting stripped of any individuality that they have in the matter of 36 hours. They are then put through the worst conditions that the drill instructors can think of and it is all for one purpose. This purpose is so that the future marines can start to learn only the corps. They learn that they are owned and protected by the articles of conduct of the united states and they are programmed everyday with the topic of this essay. They are taught that they are only as strong as the weakest link and that they must assist the slower cadets. After boot camp the marines will go their separate ways. Sometimes a couple of the marines that graduated will be stationed together in the same place. It does happen but they must never look forward to it as it is a 50-50 chance. In the new station that they are given they are taking the skills given to them from boot camp. They can often times forget these standards and make mistakes that they ought not to make. However I must reiterate that marines are still only human, a mistake that people make when thinking about them as they walk with a new pride after the trails they survived. Many try to deface them and after 200 years they only laugh at the attempts. If you were to come across a marine what would you see? Often people will say that they are arrogant and cock and that they think they are gods. All of these things are partly true. Many marines actually think that when they are younger. As they grow they learn humility and grace and they become something resembling my father. With the mentality that they may not be the best but if you get in their way they will move you. Marines always look out for their own. They are, in a sense, like a wolf pack. They are loyal to their own and they will back each other up for anything as long as that doesn?t mean they are breaking the law. A marine will always be a marine, even if they are dead or retired. And sometimes when the need arises they will be a wolf pack.

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